Tuesday, August 18, 2009

one Happy Bagel

preppping for breakfast!!

a smile in the making

what are the odds of a smiley just laying there waiting to be found amongst all the construction at our new home............keep working 

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Toostie's Smiley :)

Another Happy Cat!! She chews the hair off just to show me her Smiley :)

Mitzy's Smiley!

My cat has happy feet :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jills surprise Birthday Dinner

Just want to say thanks to everyone. Don't know how a simple surprise dinner could be so difficult to make happen ......BUT it was and we made it happen.
Lots of laughs and lots of stories, all with great friends and family.
Gave Jill her new blog that i made for her last night at home.  Was too excited to share it with her to wait till sunday " her birthday".
too bad i could not get the computer to work at Traditions to share it with everyone.The picture is dark...but its the only picture of the night.

Happy Birthday Sweetheart !!!!!!

Love Rob

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I love my Bastone Garlic Bread

Even the bread looks happy to become garlic.
wonder how much money i would get for this on Ebay????

Thats a lot of wood.....

A good piece of wood will bring out a smile in you...lol

Drinks Anyone

At our home , not only do you feel happy after a couple of drinks but you get the feeling even before

Dinner with a Smile

If we only had a dog.....
it would probably shit smiley faces like tootsie and Mitzy

Cant Make This Shit Up !!!!!!!

You just cant make shit like this up.
This shouldn,t even be here.....but its too funny.
Even the cats are in on this.